Orthopedic Acupuncture
Orthopedic acupuncture is essentially the treatment of pain. I use specialized orthopedic needling techniques, as well as trigger points and muscle motor points, to treat painful problems of the musculo-skeletal system and to speed healing.
Acupuncture is effective in treating both acute and chronic pain. Acute pain is characterized by a fast onset, a short duration, and usually has a good outcome. Often it is the result of injury, inflammation or surgery. Acute pain usually resolves with the normal healing process and can be sped along to an optimal outcome with the use of acupuncture and herbal remedies.
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is ongoing and does not resolve with the normal healing process. It can be difficult to treat and may occur even when there is no tissue damage or obvious physical cause. While in some cases there may be no clear explanation for the cause of pain, it can be extremely debilitating. Over time feelings of frustration, anger and fear make the pain more intense and more difficult to treat. It has been shown that over time chronic pain makes changes in the brain’s chemistry that reinforces the pain cycle. I understand first hand that chronic pain, if not adequately treated, can diminish a person’s quality of life on all levels.
Acupuncture is an excellent choice for the treatment of chronic pain for many reasons. I have seen cases where there was a resolution of ongoing pain in just a few weeks or months. Acupuncture can also reduce pain to a manageable level, reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications and increase the ability to cope with pain.
Other modalities that are combined with orthopedic techniques include:
- electro-acupuncture
- herbal or nutritional supplements
- herbal compresses
- meridian massage
- cupping (suction massage)
- gua sha (Chinese massage technique)
- tui na (Chinese massage)
- shiatsu (Japanese acupressure massage)
- take-home stretches and exercises
Some of the orthopedic problems that are effectively treated with acupuncture are:
- back pain
- neck pain
- rotator cuff injuries
- carpal tunnel
- tennis and golfers elbow
- knee pain
- sciatica
- sprains and strains