Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Fear of needles is a common concern among potential patients. Most people unfamiliar with acupuncture think of the syringe needles used for injections and drawing blood. Acupuncture needles are very different. They are not hollow and stiff, but instead are flexible, hair-thin filaments. In addition, each needle is sterile, used only once and then disposed of.
I use a delicate Japanese technique that minimizes the needling sensation, often reducing it to nothing at all. After insertion, the needle is sometimes adjusted to stimulate “qi” which can be described as warmth, tingling, tightness or a dull ache. However, qi is best felt to be understood. It is described at length in Chinese texts but its simplest definition is that of life-force energy. Once a patient is familiar with the feeling of qi they often look for the sensation and give feedback that can help guide the treatment.